How to Get Sober from Alcohol

A person’s relapse warning signs may differ, as we are all unique. It is common for people recovering from alcohol addiction to experience early sobriety mood swings, fatigue, and depression. Mindfulness can be a powerful tool for almost anyone, and especially those who have struggled with addiction. So, as you move through sobriety, try to practice mindfulness, whether it’s through daily meditations or simply staying present in each moment.

In your imagination, give the ball to your past self and watch as your love surrounds and eventually engulfs them. This is exercise is a little out there, but it has proven to be beneficial for staying sober. When something is wrong with you and you don’t understand it, it’s infinitely more scary.

Tips on Staying Sober

Think about going to counseling or family therapy to help with that and to deal with other personal issues. The best way to sober up from excess alcohol drinking is to allow plenty of time, rest, and sleep. The methods we suggest above may help a person feel and appear more alert, but they will not decrease blood alcohol levels in their body. Detox can occur in a hospital setting or as the initiation into the inpatient or outpatient rehabilitation process. For some people, staying sober all the time isn’t necessary — just long enough to stop causing problems in your life. This might just mean going for a light hike (getting out into nature can help a lot with staying sober too, especially if it’s as part of a hobby you used to enjoy).

It’s important to know that sobriety is difficult for everyone. While the drug addiction journey is often different, every recovering addict has their own set of challenges to face with long term sobriety. Find a friend or family member who would like to join you and get started. Set a few goals and watch yourself reap the rewards over time. Exercise is a great way to relieve stress and can combat anxiety by releasing endorphins. While addicted to alcohol or drugs, you might have only thought about the next time you would get drunk or high.

Manage Withdrawal

If you have trusted loved ones and friends you can lean on, don’t be afraid to open up to them in times of need. In addition, you can connect with SMART or AA recovery groups, a recovery coach, or a care team through an online treatment program like Ria Health. Certain people, situations, and locations (like your local bar) can set your old habits back into motion. That’s why new routines, friends, and environments are so important if you want to stay sober for life.

  • BetterHelp can connect you to an addiction and mental health counselor.
  • Many treatment providers offer suggestions to help you find the best fit for your recovery.
  • The liver contains an enzyme known as alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), which metabolizes the alcohol and helps to remove it from the body.

Make sure you are taking breaks and communicating when you have too much on your plate. In sobriety, having consistent routines is key, so establishing them under these new conditions is super important. Tasks like making your bed, taking a shower, or getting dressed for the day may seem simple, but they can make a big difference. As the days go by and the unknown continues to unfold with the news swirling in all directions, it’s easy to feel unearthed and discombobulated. We have been forced out of our normal routines and into circumstances we were not prepared for.

Why Do You Want to Get Sober?

You have so much to offer this world, and your journey begins with specialized help from a trusted drug and rehab center. In Los Angeles, No Matter What Recovery is a treatment center that prioritizes compassion and acceptance to help you stay sober no matter what. You can continue taking steps forward to a better future with tips to stay sober the right treatment and recovery center. Better days are ahead of you, so don’t put your life on hold just because sobriety is difficult. In an academic review of several studies, researchers found that those struggling with alcohol and substance abuse experienced significantly lower relapse rates than those who did not.

Having a sponsor can allow you to have someone in your corner with experience who can hold you accountable. If you want to know how to stay sober there is no better person to ask than someone who has done it before. For someone in recovery sobriety often means lifelong abstinence. While lifelong abstinence is easier said than done, taking the proper steps can go a long way on the road to recovery. This includes finding ways to prevent or limit any relapses.

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